The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
Tungufljót Í Skaftártungu
One of the best Sea Run Brown Trout rivers in Iceland
Tungufljót river in Skaftafell is one of the best known Sea trout rivers in Iceland and is most famous for the high average weight of fish caught, every year multiple Sea-Run Brown trout in the 20lbs range are caught with the average weight of the fish being between 5-10 pounds. Pound-for-pound sea-run browns are one of the hardest-fighting fish in the world. The fish stock in the river is all-natural and native to Iceland.
Located in a beautiful area surrounded by glaciers and volcanoes and situated close to some of the most spectacular natural sites in all of Iceland like Skaftafell national park, Europe’s largest glacier Vatnajökull and countless more.
Primetime for the Sea-Run Brown Trout is in April and May when they are making their way downriver towards the ocean for feeding, and then again Mid August-October when they run upriver from the ocean in preparation for the fall spawning season.
Typical tackle is single-handed rods in the #6-8 range and sinking lines and sink tip can be very useful, smaller double-handed or switch rods can also be used. Most fish are caught on traditional Sea-Run Brown Trout streamers like Black Ghost, Nobblers, Dýrbítur, etc. Nymphs can also be effective in certain situations. Double-handed/Spey rods can also be used.
During the 2022 fall season a record-breaking 107cm(42.5 inch) sea trout was caught in the Búrhylur pool in Tungufljót.
Fishing Season:
Is all about sea-run brown trout. Conditions can be cold and rough but there is plenty of fish in the river. In general, it’s more the lower sections of the river that hold the most fish this early. From about Hlíðarvað down, with Syðri-Hólmi usually being the most productive section. Double-handed rods with sink tips and streamers are the main tackle used although single-handed rods and upstream nymphing can also be effective.
All about resident fish: with the anadromous species all being out at sea the focus switches to the resident species of the river. Both resident browns and arctic char.
Typical tackle is single-handed rods, floating lines and nymphs, and dry flies.
We’re still fishing for resident browns and char but by the middle of the month, the first runs of Atlantic Salmon should be in. By the end of the month, the first runs of Sea-run Browns should have arrived. How far the salmon and sea trout run up the river at this time will depend on water levels. In dry summers the fish will stay in the lower sections but if water levels are good they will race upriver.
Extensive runs of sea-run browns start pouring upriver and are joined by schools of Atlantic salmon
The main run happens in late August or early September and once they show up most pools in the river will be filled with fish.
Tungufljót Lodge
Is a self-catering lodge overlooking the river and consists of two cabins connected by a large veranda, two twin/double rooms in each cabin. Fully equipped kitchen, Gas BBQ, shed for wader storage
Distance from Reykjavík:
1. April- 20. October
Average size:
8 pounds
Number of rods:
Fly only
Fishing equipment:
Single/Double handed#6-8
The best flies:
Streamers or Nymphs
Tungufljót Lodge or Hrífunes Guesthouse
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The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
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