Highland Fishing Lodge – 2024 in photos

As we wrapped up the season at our Highland Fishing Lodge at the end of August we figured it was time to take a quick look at this year’s season.
The Highlands are truly the heart of Iceland, offering some stunning scenery and opportunities to catch some beautiful arctic char and brown trout out of the comfort of our Highland Fishing Lodge.
Anglers primarily fish rivers Kaldakvísl and Tungnaá out of the lodge although we occasionally fish some secret spots in the area.

If you’re interested in fishing the Highlands of Iceland, reach out for booking inquiries at info@fishpartner.com.
We´ve started booking for 2025 season and space already getting limited.

Popular Fishing

The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
This exclusive river, limited to four rods, invites anglers to explore its 20-kilometer pristine(13 miles), crystal-clear water.
The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
This exclusive river, limited to four rods, invites anglers to explore its 20-kilometer pristine(13 miles), crystal-clear water.
A Hidden Gem in the Highlands – The river Kaldakvísl is truly a hidden gem. Fished only by a select few, Kaldakvísl has now been made exclusively available only to the customers of Fish Partner. Words are unequal to the task of describing the landscape’s beauty. Diversity and contrasts are the river’s main characteristics.


  • Easy – Very little hiking required, easy for every one.
  • Modrate – Some hiking required.
  • Hard – Strenuous hiking require, good physical conditions required.
  • Mixed – Some easy access areas and others that require hiking.