
The Hólaá river is located about  45min away from Reykjavík.  It flows 9km(6 miles) from Lake Laugarvatn, down into Lake Apavatn, and then discharges into the large river Brúará.

The river is popular with local anglers as well as being one of the most popular day tour locations for fly fishing tours in Iceland.  There is easy access to the river and it fits perfectly for beginners as well as experienced anglers. The river is inhabited by a great number of both Arctic Char and Brown Trout. Atlantic Salmon and Sea run brown trout are rare but occasional catches.

The fishing is best done with small nymphs and dry flies all although streamers can be effective, especially in the spring when targeting Brown trout.

The river is split into multiple beats.





Distance from Reykjavík:



1.April - 1. October

Average size:

1-2 pounds

Number of rods:

Varries by beat


Varries by beat

Fishing equipment:

#4-#5 weight

The best flies:

Small nymphs, size 18-22. Dry flies



Easy to mixed

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  • Easy – Very little hiking required, easy for every one.
  • Modrate – Some hiking required.
  • Hard – Strenuous hiking require, good physical conditions required.
  • Mixed – Some easy access areas and others that require hiking.