Sea Run Brown Trout - Battle Hill Lodge

First two weeks at Battle Hill Lodge

We opened the season at Battle Hill Lodge on the 15th of April and have had 2 weeks of fishing out of the lodge in our rivers Geirlandsá, Fossálar, and Vatnamót. Conditions have significantly varied and with them, the catch numbers but both weeks groups caught some big-sized browns and had days with double digits amounts of fish landed per rod.


We’ve had all kinds of weather for the past two weeks, We had almost t-shirt weather – minus degrees Celsius and a lot of snow, and everything in between. Spring fishing in Iceland is guaranteed to give you lots of variety regarding the weather!

Week 1 had some Sunny days with temps up to 13ºC(55°F) Heavy rains then arrived and blew out some of the rivers but after the weather and water conditions stabilized the fishing went ballistic with one day having 60 fish logged on 5 rods.

Week 2 started with more typical Icelandic spring weather with temps around 6°C(43F), overcast and sunny on and off, and a slight breeze, the perfect fishing weather. But at the end of the week, temps dropped to below freezing, and snow for 2 days.

Temperatures between: -2 ºC and +13 ºC

River Conditions

Water levels have rocked up and down the first few weeks as expected during spring fishing in Iceland. Geirlandsá River has fished best after rains when levels start dropping and those conditions provided the best fishing days of the season where as Vatnamót has been more stable. We had 2 days where all rivers in the area were flooded and almost unfishable but despite the harsh conditions those days we still managed to land a few fish. Luckily the rivers clear up fast so it’s rare to have them blown out more than a day or 2.

Fishing Summary

So far we have caught 204 between the last two groups with fish up 90 cm and 3 anglers caught their personal best.

Due to some last-minute cancelation week 1 only had 5 anglers for the full week and 2 more for a half week and the second week only had 4 anglers on average. Meaning that 204 fish were caught on an average of 5 rods. That makes 20,4 fish per rod for 6 days despite the ups and downs in conditions.

So far we have had 3 anglers catch their personal best sea run browns.

Fishing Stats

Anglers from Iceland, Germany, Italy France, and the USA

Sea trout Caught: 204
90 cm and Over 1
85 cm and over 4
80 cm and over 6
75 cm and over 15


Popular Fishing

The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
This exclusive river, limited to four rods, invites anglers to explore its 20-kilometer pristine(13 miles), crystal-clear water. With a remarkable ten-year average of around 300 Atlantic salmon annually
The Blanda is one of Iceland’s top Atlantic Salmon fisheries.
This exclusive river, limited to four rods, invites anglers to explore its 20-kilometer pristine(13 miles), crystal-clear water. With a remarkable ten-year average of around 300 Atlantic salmon annually
A Hidden Gem in the Highlands – The river Kaldakvísl is truly a hidden gem. Fished only by a select few, Kaldakvísl has now been made exclusively available only to the customers of Fish Partner. Words are unequal to the task of describing the landscape’s beauty. Diversity and contrasts are the river’s main characteristics.


  • Easy – Very little hiking required, easy for every one.
  • Modrate – Some hiking required.
  • Hard – Strenuous hiking require, good physical conditions required.
  • Mixed – Some easy access areas and others that require hiking.